Thursday, March 1, 2007

Tranquilty and Germans in a volcanic lake

As mentioned in the last post, we are staying on a small island in the middle of Lake Bunyonyi, Kabale, Uganda. The place has amazing natural beauty, including strange birds and lake otters (the latter I have not seen). Here is an experpt from a tourist brochure: "Located 1962m above sea level and surrounded by steep sided heavily cultivated mountainous scenery. Lake Bunyonyi (the word means 'the place of many little birds') is about 25 km long and 7 km wide. With 29 islands dotting the centre of lake and depths varying from 44m to 900m. If the later is true it will make the lake the second deepest in Africa. The lake surface is a fresh 25 degrees celcius, bilharzia free and safe for swimming." The organization running this camp is particularly interesting, as they donate all proceeds to sustainability efforts and education in the area. To learn more, visit
Chelsea and I have made friends with two German ladies and one guy from Colorado- the former are remarkably bon vivant - there has had to be a special order (dug out canoe of course) of replacement beer!
The temperature is cool, the air still. Yesterday, while the ladies were visiting a local pygmi tribe, the three of us rented (2$/ day) a canoe and went to visit some surrounding islands. Closest to us is the Bwama island, which has a primary and secondary school, catering to students from the mainland and surrounding islands. Amazing- schools on a small island in the middle of a volcanic lake, in the mountains of Uganda. Why not?
The students commute each day by dug out canoe (several of which have been donated by the place we are staying.
Today, unfortunately, Chelsea and I are leaving for the mainland, as we hope to visit the Bwindi "inpeneterable" forrest where we have a connection with an American doctor running a forest hospital for the local pygmi population. Why not!?

I will end the post here, as my crepes with local fruit, cinnamon and honey are about ready (at a cost of ~$1.75) Why not.

PS- The girls Chelsea is showing the camera to are the ones, on the top of the mountain, who spoke to you, Karolina, when you rang the cell phone!

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